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2018 Environmental Policy and the Emergence of the Incineration Industry: A Case Study of Beijing, China, 1989-2012 (Sociology Department, Texas A&M University, Ph.D.)


2008 中華電信工會罷工記事,工運年鑑2004.06-2005.05,編者:陳政亮等,出版單位:世新大學社會發展研究所、苦勞網‧台灣勞工資訊教育協會


2024 In the Name of Mazu: The Use of Religion by China to Intervene in Taiwanese Elections, Foreign Policy Analysis, Volume 20, Issue 3, July 2024, SSCI
2023 The Developmental State’s Legacy and Corporate Carbon Emission Performance: Evidence from Taiwanese Firms between 2014 and 2018, Climate and Development, SSCI
2020 A Local Environmental Information Disclosure and Environmental Non-governmental Organizations in Chinese Prefecture-level Cities, Journal of Environmental Management 275, SCI.
2020 Book Review: Scientists’ Impact on Decision-making: A Case Study of the China Hi-Tech Research and Development Program, China Information 32(1), SSCI
2012 佔領華爾街:一九六八遺產抑或民眾主義?,文化研究月報124期。


2019 Carbon Emission Performance and Director Board Structure, paper represented with Chia-Wei Chao and Kuei-Tien Chou at the 7th International Symposium on Environmental Sociology in East Asia.
2019 “市場與技術共塑的環境災難:以中國焚燒爐產業發展為例”,發表於2019年台灣科技與社會年會。
2018 “Environmental Information Discourse and Environmental Non-governmental Organizations: Evidence from 113 Chinese Cities”, paper represented at the 2018 Annual Conference of the International Chinese Sociological Association.
2017 “Clean Facility’s Pollution: Environmental Policy and the Emergence of the Incineration Industry, A Case Study of Beijing, China, 1989-2012”, paper presented at the 2017 Association of American Geographers Annual Conference, Boston, Massachusetts.
2016 “從基礎工程到應用工程g0v資料與其它資料庫的整併及後續應用 ─ 以環保署污染源與公司結構資料為例”,發表於2016年g0v年會。
2014 “Governing the Green Cities? The Evidence from the Chinese Environmental Improvement in 113 Cities in China”, Paper presented at the 2014 Southwestern Social Science Association Annual Conference, Denver, Colorado.