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G2S2 Lecture – Dr. Wen Yan Chiau : Understanding the Ocean Governance

By 07/11/2019No Comments

07/09/2019??Global Governance?

Lecture Topic: Understanding the Ocean Governance

Class taken by Dr. Wen Yan Chiau

Class started with discussing different definition of ocean governance by various organisations such as European Union and United Nation Conviction on Law of Sea and moved on to discussing the importance of international cooperation in ocean governance and the need for cooperation. ?The important topics like Commercial whaling in Japan, Canada’s successful 5 targets for ocean development, Plastic in Ocean, Ocean life protection act and Safety and security, Marine Conservation were discussed in the class. The professor also shared useful insights from the project Coastal Planning in the Context of Land-sea Interactions in Chiayi County, Taiwan.

Key Points

International ocean governance is about managing and using the world’s oceans and their resources in ways that keep our oceans healthy, productive, safe, secure and resilient. ?Today, 60% of the oceans are outside the borders of national jurisdiction. This implies a shared international responsibility. Under the overarching UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, a plethora of jurisdictional rights, institutions, and specific frameworks have been set up to organize?the way humans use these waters. EU action on international ocean governance aims to build on this framework and work with others to improve the health of this resource which is open to all states.