Doctoral Dissertation
2018 | Environmental Policy and the Emergence of the Incineration Industry: A Case Study of Beijing, China, 1989-2012 (Sociology Department, Texas A&M University, Ph.D.) |
Book Chapters
2008 | 中華電信工會罷工記事,工運年鑑2004.06-2005.05,編者:陳政亮等,出版單位:世新大學社會發展研究所、苦勞網‧台灣勞工資訊教育協會 |
Journal Publications
2020 | A Local Environmental Information Disclosure and Environmental Non-governmental Organizations in Chinese Prefecture-level Cities, Journal of Environmental Management 275, SCI. |
2020 | Book Review: Scientists’ Impact on Decision-making: A Case Study of the China Hi-Tech Research and Development Program, China Information 32(1), SSCI |
2012 | 佔領華爾街:一九六八遺產抑或民眾主義?,文化研究月報124期。 |
Conference Papers
2019 | Carbon Emission Performance and Director Board Structure, paper represented with Chia-Wei Chao and Kuei-Tien Chou at the 7th International Symposium on Environmental Sociology in East Asia. |
2019 | “市場與技術共塑的環境災難:以中國焚燒爐產業發展為例”,發表於2019年台灣科技與社會年會。 |
2019 | “缺電的社會科技想像與規劃合理性” 第四屆博士後論壇, 中央研究院社會學研究所, 台灣, 3 月26 日。 |
2018 | “Environmental Information Discourse and Environmental Non-governmental Organizations: Evidence from 113 Chinese Cities”, paper represented at the 2018 Annual Conference of the International Chinese Sociological Association. |
2017 | “Clean Facility’s Pollution: Environmental Policy and the Emergence of the Incineration Industry, A Case Study of Beijing, China, 1989-2012”, paper presented at the 2017 Association of American Geographers Annual Conference, Boston, Massachusetts. |
2016 | “從基礎工程到應用工程g0v資料與其它資料庫的整併及後續應用 ─ 以環保署污染源與公司結構資料為例”,發表於2016年g0v年會。 |
2014 | “Governing the Green Cities? The Evidence from the Chinese Environmental Improvement in 113 Cities in China”, Paper presented at the 2014 Southwestern Social Science Association Annual Conference, Denver, Colorado. |