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移民與全球化「跨界公民 Beyond Boundary」線上展覽

By 06/17/2021No Comments
於6/17舉行「跨界公民 Beyond Boundary」線上展覽 開幕式
盛邀創新國際學院院長杜文苓、政大USR辦公室戴秀雄副執行長、民主與創新治理中心羅凱凌副主任、創國訪問學者Tim Scuetz、
展覽將從 2021/6/17開始
​Beyond Boundaries
It seems that people judge migrants with filters of nationality without consciousness. We sometimes forget that these newcomers to Taiwan are people like us, with their own names and personal stories, traveling their lives with courage. It turns out that boundaries of nations do not matter anymore. Carrying a flexible identity, they are ‘Citizens beyond boundaries’, belonging to where they were and where they are. Before categorizing them with their birth place, why don’t we shed light on their individual life journeys? As we may discover, their existence has already been beyond boundaries between nations.
A combo of LOVE to go
After the eruption of this pandemic, people have been asked to practice ‘Social distancing’ for a while. We stay away from others physically, while people are still less adapted to the overwhelming isolation and loneliness. Communication from the heart is desperately needed in this era. For migrants, however, ‘social distancing’ might not be unfamiliar. Misunderstanding or even discrimination have made migrants suffer from the other aspect of ‘social distancing’. We’re wondering, this pandemic and boundaries shouldn’t be barriers to communication with hearts. Distance between hearts could be eliminated if we kindly embrace each other. Through this exhibition, the distance between us and migrants will no longer be limited by that one meter for physical social distance. We invite you to join this heart-to-heart feast and take out a combo of love!