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ICI Flash Course: World Politics after the ASEAN, G20, and APEC Summits

By 12/06/2022No Comments
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ICI has invited three experts to give an analysis and discussion on the world politics after the ASEAN, G20 and APEC summits.
**Flash course is a series of seminars and public forums. Seminars would include a group of experts who are invited to give a talk related to current issues to help our students improve the knowledge about the world agenda.
Time & Date: 12:10-13:30, December 7th, 2022 (Wed)
Venue: General Building, Classroom 270112 (Mealbox will be provided)
Invited Speakers:
1.東北亞與中國 Northeast Asia and China: Professor David M. Arase (Resident Professor of International Politics, Hopkins-Nanjing Center, School Of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University.)
2.東南亞與中國 Southeast Asia and China: Professor Deasy Rumondang Priscilla Simandjuntak (Adjunct Assistant Professor, International College of Innovation, NCCU)
3.台灣與中國 Taiwan and China: Professor Fang-Yu Chen (Assistant Professor of Political Science, Soochow University, Taiwan.)