08/14/2019 Asian Politics, Society, History and Culture
Lecture Topic:?The Current Affairs of Hong Kong Demonstration
Class taken by Dr. Taewan Kim
Dr. Taewan Kim is Professor of Department of Political Science, Dong-eui University. He is doing a research under Taiwan fellowship at Department of Diplomacy, National Chengchi University.
His class discussed about the current affairs of Hong Kong demonstration. From the view of the government, there are two main factors considering: 1) economic factor 2) political factor. In case of Hong Kong, if Chinese government weighted the economic factor more than the political factor, China would not use force to suppress Hong Kong people. By contrast, if China took more weight on the political factor, China would use the force to end the demonstration.
Democratization in Asia was also raised in class and China was an example that many Western scholars miscalculate because they believed more economic openness of China would cause a more political freedom. That is wrong for them.