Doctoral Dissertation / Thesis
2018 | Urban Air Rights as Market Devices: Exploring Financialization in Taipei Metropolitan Area. Doctoral thesis, Durham University. [Received 2019 American Association of Geographers Urban Geography Specialty Group Best Doctoral Dissertation Award] |
2009 | 台北車站/小印尼:從都市治理術看族裔聚集,國立臺灣大學建築與城鄉研究所碩士論文。(文化研究學會 2009 年碩士論文獎得獎論文) Urban Governmentality in an Indonesian Ethnic Gathering Place in Taipei. Master’s thesis, National Taiwan University. [Received 2009 Cultural Studies Association (Taiwan) Master’s Thesis Award] |
Book Chapter
2013 | Placemaking in Between Urban Redevelopment: Little Indonesia in Taipei. in Jeff Hou ed. Transcultural Cities Border-Crossing and Placemaking, 1st ed. New York: Routledge, pp.272-284. |
2010 | Chen, H. & J. Lin Making Places of Fusion and Resistance: the Experiences of Immigrant Women in Taiwanese Townships, in Jeff Hou ed., Insurgent Public Space: Guerilla Urbanism and the Remaking of Contemporary Cities, Routledge, pp. 123-134. |
Journal Article
2021 | RHJ Editorial Collective (Alejandra Reyes, Ana Vilenica, Hung-Ying Chen, Michele Lancione, Samantha Thompson and Solange Muñoz), Editorial: Tenant organizing, scholar activism, and global south perspectives as alternative infrastructures of knowledge production, Radical Housing Journal, Vol. 3, Iss. 1, pp. 1-10. |
2021 | Hung-Ying Chen and Ana Vilenica, Coping with fears: Urban struggles in the Greater Manila amid COVID-19 and beyond (in Conversation with Michael Beltran), Radical Housing Journal, Vol. 3, Iss. 1, pp. 33-40. |
2021 | Hung Ying Chen, Michele Lancione, ‘Pluralizing Lockdowns’:
Grassroots responses to housing in Jakarta amid COVID-19 and beyond (in Conversation with Elisa Sutanudjaja, AbdouMaliq Simone), Radical Housing Journal, Vol. 3, Iss. 1, pp. 41-52. |
2021 | (Book Review) Densifying the City? Global Cases and Johannesburg, Margot Rubin, Alison Todes, Philip Harrison and Alexandra Appelbaum (eds.), 2020. Edward Elgar Publishing. In Eurasian Geography and Economics.(SSCI) |
2020 | Chen, H., Chowdhury, R., McFarlane, C., & P. Tripathy, “Rethinking Urban Density: An Introduction”. In Special Issue: Rethinking Urban Density, Urban Geography, Vol.41, Iss.10, pp.1241-1246. (SSCI) |
2020 | Chen, H., “Densities of Care”. In Special Issue: Rethinking Urban Density, Urban Geography, Vol.41, Iss.10, pp.1302-1309. (SSCI) |
2020 | Chen, H. & B. Lachlan (equal authorship). “CityPsyche – Hong Kong”, CITY: Analysis of Urban Trends, Culture, Theory, Policy, Action, Vol. 24, Iss.1-2, pp.220-232. |
2019 | Chen, H., “Cashing in on the Sky: financialization and urban air rights in the Taipei Metropolitan Area”. In Special Issue: New Financial Geographies of Asia, Regional Studies. Vol.54, No.2, pp.198-208. (SSCI) |
2018 | (Refereed Online Book Review) Endangered City: The Politics of Security and Risk in Bogotá, Austin Zeiderman. London: Duke University Press. 2016. The Urban Geography Research Group, RGS-IBG Book Review Series. |
2017 | 陳虹穎、徐亦甫,人權現場/東亞迫遷法庭及台灣居住權運動現況與挑戰,臺灣人權學刊,第四卷第二期,頁167-188。 |
2016 | 空間研究方法論評介─流變中的比較都市論,地理學報,第83期,頁71-90。 DOI: 10.6161/jgs.2016.83.03 (TSSCI) |
Award / Honor
2020 | Visiting Research Fellow, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, India (January-March 2020) |
2019.12 | Invited Jury Member for the International Tribunal on Evictions – Climate Change sessions in Santiago, Chile and Madrid, Spain (parallel event against COP25). |
2019.4 | Urban Geography Speciality Group PhD Dissertation Award, American Association of Geographers, Washington, DC., U.S. |
2017 | Conference Travel Grant, the Urban Institute, Sheffield University;
Conference Travel Grant, Dept. of Geography, Durham University; |
2016 | Conference Bursary, Regional Studies Association (The 2nd FinGeo Global Seminar) |
2015 | Conference Bursary, Regional Studies Association (The 1st FinGeo Global Seminar);
Best Presentation Award, the 1st FinGeo Global Seminar, Beijing, China; Conference Travel Grant, STEP Centre, University of Sussex, UK; Postgrad Bursary, Josephine Butler College, Durham University, UK |
2014-2017 | Taiwan Government Fellowship for Studying Abroad |
2009 | Best Dissertation Award (Master Thesis), Cultural Studies Association Taiwan |
2020 | Visiting Research Fellow, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, India (January-March 2020) |
2019 | Jointly Appointed Visiting Researcher, Dept. of Geography and Contemporary China Center, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong (SAR), China (April-June 2019) |
Conference Paper
2021 | Presenter, Negotiating Social Futures The Politics of Land Development and Value Capture During and After the COVID-19 Pandemic, Urban Studies Foundation Seminar Series, Virtual Paper Conference, Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy, Rutgers University, U.S., September 23-24th 2021. |
2021 | Session Organizer, Value Capture and its Dissents, 2021 Annual Meeting of Association of American Geographers, Virtual Paper Session, April 7-11th 2021 (Co-organized with Dr. Renee Tapp) |
2021 | Session Organizer, COVID-19 and Urban Density: Urban Transformation, Living Together, and Future Geographies (1), (2), 2021 Annual Meeting of Association of American Geographers, Virtual Paper Session, April 7-11th 2021 (Co-organized with Prof. Colin McFarlane & Dr. Priyam Tripathy) |
2021 | Presenter, Densities of Repair: Altering Making and Repair in Times of Despair, Virtual Paper Session, in Problematising making, repair and maintenance, 2021 Annual Meeting of Association of American Geographers, Virtual Paper Session, April 7-11th 2021. |
2021 | Invited Speaker, The Body as Method – the Politics of Urban Density in Hong Kong and Mumbai, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, 28th January, 2021 (Organized by Medicine and Body Experience Research Group). |
2019 | Co-organizer, Human Geography Cross-Clusters Roundtable: Staying with Geopolitical Troubles: Rethinking Collective Ethics and Risks, November 20th 2019, Department of Geography, Durham University (Co-organized with Prof. Mike Crang, Dr. Lauren Martin) |
2019 | Densities of Care, 2019 Rethinking Density International Workshop, Durham, United Kingdom, October 3rd -4th2019. |
2019 | Workshop Organizer, Rethinking Urban Density International Workshop, Department of Geography, Durham University, UK, October 3-4 (Co-organized with Prof. Colin McFarlane, Dr. Romit Chowdury, Dr. Priyam Tripathy) |
2019 | Follow the Air Rights: A Methodological Note on Studying Vertical/Volumetric Urbanism, 2019 RGS-IBG Conference, London, United Kingdom, August 28-30th 2019. |
2019 | ‘Capturing’ the Value of Urban Air: A Cultural Economy Account of Trading Airspace in Urban Taipei, Public Seminar Series of the Department of Geography, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong (SAR), China, April 11th 2019. |
2018 | Rethinking Rights to the City: Following the Air Rights, Research and Justice Forum with Professor Katherine Gibson, University of Durham, United Kingdom, March 12th 2018. |
2017 | ‘Quaking’ the Property Relations: The Volumetric Finance for the Shareholding Homeowners, The 9th Critical Finance Studies Conference, University of Leicester, United Kingdom, August 3-5th 2017. |
2017 | ‘Quaking’ the Property Relations: The Volumetric Finance for the Shareholding Homeowners, International Workshop on Volumetric Urbanism, University of Sheffield, United Kingdom, May 26th-28th, 2017. |
2017 | Cashing in on the Sky: The Instrumentation of Air Rights in Taipei Metropolitan Area, 2017 Annual Meeting of American Association of Geographers, Boston, MA, United States, April 5th-9th, 2017. |
2017 | Session Organizer, Marketing Air Rights: urban solution or ‘zoning for sale’? 2017 Annual Meeting of Association of American Geographers, Boston, Massachusetts, April 5-9th (Co-organized with Prof. Sai Balakrishnan, Prof. Lisa Björkman) |