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ICI跨域講座:The Digital Mind: A Regulatory Landscape of EU AI Act|數位思維:歐盟AI法規的宏觀概況

By 09/23/202425 9 月, 2024No Comments


演講主題:The Digital Mind: A Regulatory Landscape of EU AI Act|數位思維:歐盟AI法規的宏觀概況

時間: 2024.09.25

地點: 綜合院館409

講者: 林昕璇


隨著人工智能(AI)技術快速發展,歐盟積極推出針對其潛在影響與風險的法規。此次演講將由林昕璇老師帶領大家深入了解歐盟AI法案(EU AI Act)的整體架構,並分析該法案對企業、開發者和用戶的影響。演講內容涵蓋從低風險到高風險AI應用的分級風險模型,並深入探討法案對透明性、責任承擔及道德規範的要求。



The Digital Mind: A Regulatory Landscape of EU AI Act



Speaker:林昕璇 Hsin-Hsuan Lin



As artificial intelligence (AI) technology rapidly advances, the European Union is actively introducing regulations to address its potential impacts and risks. In this lecture, Professor Lin Hsin-Hsuan will guide participants through an in-depth exploration of the overall structure of the EU AI Act and analyze its impact on businesses, developers, and users. The lecture will cover the tiered risk model for AI applications, ranging from low-risk systems, such as chatbots, to high-risk systems, like facial recognition. It will also delve into the Act’s requirements for transparency, accountability, and ethical standards.

Additionally, this talk will discuss the challenges multinational companies face in complying with these regulations and explore the potential to balance technological progress with societal safety. Attendees will gain valuable insights into the future trajectory of AI regulations, preparing them for the upcoming digital era!