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Book Launch: Taiwan’s Economic and Diplomatic Challenges and Opportunities

By 07/26/2021No Comments

Book Launch: Taiwan’s Economic and Diplomatic Challenges and Opportunities

活動日期: 2021/08/05 Thursday

時間: 2:00 pm -3:30 pm

地點:立法院群賢樓101會議室 (請從台北市中正區中山南路一號進入)

人數: 100人

講座姓名:Charles I-Hsin Chen/ Nai-Chia Chen / Harry Harding / Chu-Chia Lin / Syaru Shirley Lin / Da-Nien Liu



Six authors present their conclusions from a new book offering a diverse set of perspectives on the current state of Taiwan’s economy and international relations, also considering the challenges and opportunities that could forge Taiwan’s future. Featuring a range of interdisciplinary approaches, Taiwan’s Economic and Diplomatic Challenges and Opportunities, edited by Mariah Thornton, Robert Ash and Dafydd Fell, has been written by some of the leading scholars on Taiwan’s economy and international relations, as well as emerging scholars and writers with practical diplomatic, political, and civil society experience. Contributors cover themes from political economy and international relations to gender studies and civil society-led LGBT diplomacy. The book offers both an overview of Taiwan’s history and more recent developments, and includes several case studies into Taiwan’s economy and international space. The authors’ presentations will be followed by a question and answer session.

Note: Due to COVID-19, reservations are required and registrants must enter through the front entrance of the Parliament with identification.



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