👩👦一段關於懷孕後遭解僱的移工媽媽,在異鄉艱難生養與求生。 她們一邊當母親,一邊為自己的未來奮鬥的故事。
A story about Pregnant migrant workers lose their jobs and face hardship in a foreign land.They strive to raise their children while fighting for their future.
📌 報名連結 Sign up:https://shorturl.at/CgwnI
🎬 活動名稱 |紀錄片《飛機飛過的時候》放映暨映後座談
When the Plane Passes By Film Screening & Post-screening Discussion
📅 Date 日期 |2025/4/25 (五)
⏰ Time 時間 | 14:00 – 16:00
📍 Venue 地點 | 政治大學 綜合院館 3 樓演講廳 NCCU 3rd Floor Lecture Hall, General Building
🎤 Speakers 講者 |
✔️ 桃園市群眾服務協會蕭以采主任Hsiao Yi-Tsai(Director SPA)
✔️ 桃園市群眾服務協會宋家瑜募款公關Sally Sung (PR Specialist SPA)
✔️ 李依靜 Li I-Ching( Film Director)
📝 註 Note | 影片有中英文字幕,座談活動雙語進行。
Chinese and English bilingual subtitles. This activity will be held in bilingual.
Looking forward to exploring the stories of migrant mothers with you!💙