📚 想提升你的英文學術寫作技巧嗎?那就別錯過Joy Lee老師的主題式EAP講座!三場精彩講座等你來參加!
📍立即報名|Sign up now 👉 https://forms.gle/FwupSDMaorQ9HRiT7
📅 日期:5/15、5/19、5/22
🕛 時間:12:00–13:30
📍 地點:國際大樓202教室
🎤 講師:Joy Lee
🔹 加州大學戴維斯分校法學博士候選人
🔹 加州大學柏克萊分校法學碩士
🔹 東吳大學法學學士
📌 課程重點包含:
✅ 正式語氣掌握
✅ 有效改寫技巧
✅ 精簡且精確的用詞
✅ 高效正文分析段落寫作
👉 不論你是準備學術報告、論文、或是求職英文書信,這堂課都能幫你更上一層樓!快揪朋友一起來學習吧~
📢 每場講座後提供免費餐盒🍱,數量有限,來就對了!
🌟【Theme-Based EAP Lecture】🌟
📚 Want to improve your academic writing in English? Don’t miss this series of EAP lectures by Joy Lee! Three sessions packed with practical writing strategies!
📍Sign up now 👉 https://forms.gle/FwupSDMaorQ9HRiT7
📅 Dates: May 15, May 19, May 22
🕛 Time: 12:00–13:30
📍 Venue: International Building, Room 202
🎤 Speaker: Joy Lee
🔹 J.D. Candidate, UC Davis School of Law
🔹 LL.M., UC Berkeley School of Law
🔹 LL.B., Soochow University
📌 Course Highlights:
✅ Mastering formal tone
✅ Effective paraphrasing
✅ Concise and precise wording
✅ Writing effective analysis in body paragraphs
👉 Whether you’re working on a paper, thesis, or job application, these sessions will sharpen your writing and boost your confidence. Bring a friend and come learn with us!
📢 Lunch boxes 🍱will be provided after each session — first come, first served!